water is one of 4 elements of life and one of the first word

Water is our source of life

The origin of the word water is really difficult to determine. Have you ever thought about the fact that there is a connection between the words water, see, lead and life? What kind of connection is that? Can you think that the Latin word VITA has its origin from the same root as the word Water. Water is Life (aqua est vita)

The topics we will cover for this purpose are:

In order to understand this topic, and the origin of the word water, we must get hold of some historical and biblical facts.

There are considered to be 4 basic elements from which everything is made. These are Water, Fire, Air and Earth. (more on this topic) We are somehow the most dependent on water. But in Slavic languages, water is always present, and that in all aggregate states (Liquid, Solid, Gas)

Too many words for once, right? And yet there is only one water. Let’s start from the beginning, because we want to take you to the past with this text, so that you can see through the words what happened.

Ice Age

You wonder if we want to determine the origin of the word water, how can we start from the ice age now, if we are talking about water. However, let’s imagine that we live in that age, and that we have climbed to the highest peak of some mountain and that we look at everything around us, that we try to see everything as far as our eyes can reach. We see that it is smooth as ice, glaciers are around us (glaciers – Latin / Slav: ‘pogled‘ – view / Slav: ‘led’ – ice ).

Historically, only the Balkans and the Iberian Peninsula remained immune to the last Ice Age. North of them, the height of the ice reached up to 2 kilometers according to official scientific research. Before we continue, remember the word Balkan, we’ll need it later. Namely, with the retreat of the ice, we arrive at what is called bare land (bare land without vegetation).

The origin of the word water- Water is our source of life - ice age

The great flood hides a secret abot the origin of the word water

Logically, when the ice begins to melt, the water returns from solid to its original, liquid aggregate state and now things are a little more logical if we want to determine the origin of the word water. And when a lot of ice melts, we are very likely to have big floods. At this point, note next to the word Balkan and the word flood.

How did the Balkans fare during the great floods?

The whole of Vojvodina, Slavonia, Hungary, and Central Europe are flooded with water. But not only those regions, but the entire known world is struggling with the water that is coming unstoppably. The whole world swims, floats, and cries…

Biblically speaking, Noah’s Ark was stranded on Mount Ararat which lies next to the Black Sea. Before the Flood, during the Ice Age, the sea level was significantly lower. The Black Sea was a small lake, and the Mediterranean Sea was practically a third of what is known today (Mediterranean, terrain between Europe and Africa). Can you imagine how the known world of that time, fertile plains and valleys were flooded with water

This is also hidden in the language of the people who live in the Balkans, that is, in the language of the people who were signed to the south of the Balkans, due to the appearance of the great Pannonian Sea and the overflow of water from the then Little Black Sea, across the borders known today. It is hidden in the very structure of the language, the way words are built. We have two proofs for that:

  1. Evidence

The first evidence is that a large number of words are formed from the word water. We listed some at the beginning of the text itself:

  • Voda – Water,
  • lead – Ice,
  • Videti – see,
  • Uzvodno – upstream,
  • Nizvodno – downstream,
  • Vitak – slim,
  • Vino – wine,
  • Zivot – life…

And then names like: Vidoje, Života, Vidak, Vojislav… Or for example, a prominent individual of the group who leads the group calld Vodja- the Leader

In bold letters we have spelled out the root of the word Water (vod) in all the words we have listed, only in the word “ice” it is not directly visible, but the solid aggregate state of water (ice) is hidden in the word “View”, which additionally speaks of attachment language for the water of people who were exposed to the great biblical floods, but also to the ice age for a long period of time

  1. Evidence

Another, much more interesting piece of evidence is the structure of the words itself, the letter minimums that are hidden in the words. And these are most often PL and BL. In the Great Flood section, we will cover the PL letter minimum. All the words in our language, which are of our origin, and the relationship

  • Plovka, Pliska, Patka, Pelikan … – different birds that live on water
  • Pljuvati, Plakati … – Spit, Cry
  • Plima, Plitko, Plavo… – Tide, Shallow, Blue
  • Put (comes from “plutati” – float, the first roads were rivers, and rivers were floated on) – the road
  • Plivati, Ploviti … – Swim, Sail
  • Polje, Poledica … – Field, Poledica

But also the word Plastic (they say it comes from the Greek word plasticus). Plastic is obtained by “oblikovati” – to shape (remember this by “oblikovati” for later). “Staklo” – Glass too (in order for glass to get its shape, it must first “bubble” at a high temperature). And a small million other words, I believe you can find them yourself

So, the first phase is the ice age, the second phase is the melting of glaciers and the formation of a large water mass, and the third

The withdrawal and outflow of high water

And if the floods were on a global scale, we will stay in the Balkans. Therefore, the whole of Pannonia, Central Europe with the territories of today’s Vojvodina, Slavonia, parts of central Serbia, and almost the whole of Bulgaria is flooded. Only the slopes of the mountains are visible.

Let’s go back to the flood. And now, all that water has to go somewhere. What is nice to mention at this moment is that this water is located on a fertile plain, a rich land, “crnica” or “crnozem” – black land. That water recedes further and what is left behind? Mud

Open Google Maps

Now I have a task for you. open Google Maps, and see where the Balkans are today, draw a straight line north all the way to Scandinavia. you will see that in that area there are the Balkans, the Deliblatska Pescara in Vojvodina, Lake Balaton in Hungary, Poland, and the Baltic Sea in the far north. There’s a lot more to find on the map, but I’ll leave that up to you.

If you try to translate the word mud in the languages of the peoples who lived or still live in those areas, you will get the following words: “Blato, Bolto, Balto…”, but you will also get an old word Mudj oder Modj (paralel with englisch MUD oder slavic Mulj), which was spoken on the territory of today’s Hungary (Do you notice that Mudj in the name of Hungary?), and which the Slavs also used for mud. (Think about what parts of the river the Perch fish lives in? And can you guess from which word the English word Mud, which means Mud, comes from)

Let’s go back to the flood again, and the great Pannonian Sea after the melting of the glaciers is inevitable. The Pannonian basin is filled with water, but it is slowly emptying into the present-day Black Sea. Can you guess why that sea is so Black? When the water flowed into the Black Sea, the fertile black sea spiraled, the silt that the water carried, and everything flowed into the sea, which was named the Black Sea for those reasons.

Further retreat of the glacier to the north

People lived beyond those icy walls (if I can express myself in Game of Thrones jargon), but the man we know today in Europe lived primarily there. And imagine the man of that time following that flight for generations and conquering new territories, spreading his culture, migrating north. But not only he does it, the whole living world does it.

Plants, animals, all move slowly and gradually to the north, on a journey that lasts for thousands of years, in order to reach the present day, where there is a debate as to whose North Pole is which world power claims its surface.

They say that today we live in a world of global warming, and the main latest culprits are Cows that graze in the meadow and release CO2, Cars, Factories… But no one says that ice ages are cycles that repeat themselves on our planet for millennia

Man cannot defeat nature, he can only tickle it a little, and what is inevitable is that the glaciers will melt and move further north. Let’s remind. The only place in Europe where man could have lived at the end of the last ice age is south of the Pyrenees, the Alps and the Caprats. And these are today’s Balkan and Iberian Peninsulas.

The very phenomenon that everything that lives follows the ice to the north opens an interesting topic, which is the topic of “Primary”. We recommend that you read it

Conclusion about the origin of the word water

Water is the source of life, but not only life, but also our language and the world’s language in general. It formed the space in which we live, it shaped the way we live, but also the way we speak. We have explained water in a solid aggregate state, water in a liquid aggregate state, but not in a gaseous aggregate state. You can read more about it in the “ghosts” topic.

And when I talk so much about Water, and the shaping of everything, think about the connection between the word Form and the name Apollo, and the apple. I will write about that soon



