Water, Fire, Eater, Earth
The first words were instinctive, without any concrete meaning, but, with the development of people’s consciousness, the first words could only be their needs. Therefore, the first words could describe the satisfaction of their basic needs, such as breathing, thirst, hunger… And all these basic life needs have their sources. These are the basic elements of life: Water, Fire, Ether, Earth. It is interesting that these words have a strong foothold in the Slavic language groups and that they sound and are pronounced with minimal changes. This phenomenon, especially in South Slavic languages, has a very logical explanation, which we call the Ice Age
Water is the source of life, and one of 4 elements of life
Is there a better drink than fresh water? we are sure there is not. Water is elements of life. Water is possibly one of the first words. Also, there is no life without water. Although here we stop for a moment, and try to think about water and life in distant history. People were once completely dependent on water, not only for thirst, but also for food. Water changes forms into ice and steam, and people have attributed magical characteristics to it for this reason. The first deities associated water, and throughout recent history, Christians have used water for baptism Water can cleanse not only the body, but also sins. This imposes one basic conclusion on us, namely that the oldest languages were based on water, and that a large fund of sayings comes from saying water. The Slavic languages mostly contain this feature, and it is possible that the language we know today originated in the Balkans during the last ice age.
They burn in fire, they are born in fire, one of 4 elements of life
Has man mastered fire or has fire always mastered him? Fire is on of 4 elements of life. Fire is possibly one of the first words.
When we emerge from the water and come ashore, we will warm ourselves by the fire, and if it is night all around us, we will see only the fire, and we will see the embers, the sparks, which separate from the top of the flame, and drown in the starry sky.
Now imagine the past, and our group sitting by the flames
Magic happens in fire that will connect earth and sky, fire will unite the incompatible and divide the indivisible, the fire will destroy and burn everything, but the fire will illuminate the darkest path to the very beginning of our language
The air I breathe, is one of 4 elements of life
Philosophical and religious systems associate “ether” with one of the five classical elements that constitute the fundamental building blocks of the universe. These systems link each element to various physical and metaphysical properties and associate them with one or more divine forces or entities. As a result, people generally consider “ether” to be an element of spirit or mind. Ether is on of 4 elements of life. Ether is possibly one of the first words.
Earth, the planet we were born on
The words “Earth” and “Ether” have a similar root but different meanings. Both words have their origin in the Old English word “eorthe”, meaning “earth” or “world”. However, while we use “Earth” to refer to our planet and the physical world on which we live, we usually use “Ether” to refer to something above or beyond the physical world – whether it is the spiritual world, the cosmic forces, or something else.
In some spiritual traditions, such as Hinduism and Tibetan Buddhism, there is a concept of “Bhumi” or “Dhatus”, which refers to the five physical elements: earth, water, fire, air and ether. Ether’ associates with the fifth element and symbolizes space, openness, and the spiritual world. Although “Earth” and “Ether” are different words with different meanings, both are important to different aspects of our world and existence.
Earth is one of 4 elements of life. Earth is possibly one of the first words.