
  • Water is our source of life
    The origin of the word water is really difficult to determine. Have you ever thought about the fact that there is a connection between the words water, see, lead and life? What kind of connection is that? Can you think that the Latin word VITA has its origin from the same root as the word… Read more: Water is our source of life
  • Gauls go into battle naked 
    It is true, Gauls go into battle naked. The interesting thing is that the generations grew up with Asterix and Obelix. No one noticed that Obelix was naked up to the waist. There are two other features of Obelix that are interesting. He is incredibly large and supernaturally strong. In the Comics and Cartoons it… Read more: Gauls go into battle naked 
  • The origin of the word medicine
    To determine the origin of the word medicine, we must go into the distant past and study magic. Let’s go on this journey together. We all know what medicine is. Yes? But who treated people before doctors in white coats and how? That is mistery for many To answer that question, we must first understand… Read more: The origin of the word medicine

Words are a wonder, aren’t they?


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How else can you explore words?

You can also explore words in other languages, such as:

  • English language
  • German Laguage (Deutsche sprache)
  • Serbian Language (Srpski jezik)
  • And soon in other languages

Some of the popular content on our website talks about For example,

  • You can learn how the word “water” originated, how it influenced other languages, and how it shaped not only our world but also Europe as a whole.
  • Explore how the word “medicine” came to be called that, and understand why patients require patience to be healed.
  • If you’re interested in the history and origin of the name “Gauls”, you can discover why they were given that name and why numerous regions in Europe are named after them.
  • Also, on the website, you can find information about the word “Istroija” and what repeats itself over time. Discover why the English word “story” is linked to something ancient..
  • Is it because “story” refers to something that has already happened in history? and much more interesting things that you can explore on your own.

What else can be found on the site besides words?

In addition to all of this interesting information, at FirstWords.Info, you can also find a blog page. There you can explore some irregularities in historical documents, such as migrations of peoples and similar.

Overall, FirstWords.Info is a place where you can find a lot of interesting information about words and their history in different languages. If you are curious and want to learn something new, this is the right place for you.

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