Gauls go into battle naked 

Gauls go into battle naked

It is true, Gauls go into battle naked. The interesting thing is that the generations grew up with Asterix and Obelix. No one noticed that Obelix was naked up to the waist. There are two other features of Obelix that are interesting. He is incredibly large and supernaturally strong.

In the Comics and Cartoons it was explained that as a child he fell into a magical potion. This magical potion made by a Gaelic Druid from the village where they lived.

Let’s repeat. Obelix is half naked, incredibly strong and incredibly large. Did the author of this Gallic hero make this up or did he get inspiration from historical research?

Gauls go into battle naked 

Who where the Gauls?

According to historical sources, the Romans called the Celtic inhabitants of the area of present-day France and northern Italy the Gauls. In large migrations, the Gauls settled in present-day Spain, Pannonia, Illyricum, and even reached present-day Turkey. But, as history is lazy, rewrites, does not engage in multidisciplinary research, this can fall into the water very easily. Why ?

Obelix (a fictional character) and most of the galas were extremely tall and large. they differed in their appearance from all other people who were “non-Roman” at that time. Their corpulence is a good basis for their enormous strength, and that fact alone made them valuable and rare slaves in that era. Rome did not find a way to win them in direct combat until Julius Caesar. Sources of that era describe them as:

  • fearless in battles (which may allude to the use of some “magical” potion they used before the battle as a stimulant, for example some hallucinogenic mushroom)
  • Naked in battles, without armor, only with a sword, an ax and superhuman strength. And that is the first place where the theory about the Gauls falls apart. I mean that the Goli fought.

Naked is our first keyword to research

Naked is our first keyword to research. I’ll keep you in suspense and unlock that word for you at the end. Remeber, Gauls go into Battle naked

First we will deal with their height and corpulence.
According to modern interpretations, the French are the successors of the Gauls, because the Gauls supposedly lived in that territory. But the French are not even close to the tallest inhabitants of Europe. They can’t even boast that they are in the middle. Only with the arrival of African peoples in Fanchusk, the average height of the French begins to rise. The tallest people live in southern Bosnia (Bosnians are the tallest nation in Europe), northern Montenegro and southwestern Serbia. What is interesting is that near the tri-border of these three states there is a mountain Golija. In addition, the tallest people live in Scandinavia, who are a shade shorter than the Balkans

This location in the Balkans (Mountain Golija) is, in our theory, the ancestral home of the Gala.

As another pillar that supports this theory, we cite a sporting fact. France has won many medals in handball, it is considered the handball supervillage. Interesting is that the winger of the French, Andrej Golić (pay attention to the surname), who was born in Bosnia. His uncle, Nebojsa Golić, played for the national team of Yugoslavia and Serbia.

Now some might think: “Their secpmd name resemble the name of the group of Gauls. Height is not necessarily a defining characteristic. And he will be right. But also, currently as the best player, the French national team is played by Nikola Karabatić. He play with his brother Luka Karabatić. (both of them originally from Nis in Serbia and are incredibly strong and tall)

So what do we know so far about a Gauls

  • Mount Golija is in the Balkans (where the tallest people in Europe live)
  • The Balkans play handball for the French national team.

Now, when we have tickled your imagination with the name of the Golija Mountains and these handball players whose last name is Golić, let’s get back to our key word. Naked

What is hidden in the word “naked”

In the language of the Slavic peoples, “Naked” means whit out without a suit
Let’s see who else is shirtless and what their name is:

  • Gollum (one of the side characters from Lord of the Rings, he wears very little clothes)
  • Golem (he is both big and naked)
  • Surnames in the Balkans (Golici, Galici, Golemici, Goluže…)

What is the conclusion.

The Romans chased the Gauls all over Europe:

  • On the island of Great Britain,
  • and on the Iberian Peninsula, (PORTUGAL, port for slaves from Gaul)
  • And on the Balkan
  • ….

These were the territories where the Gauls lived (so not only in France). These were the territories where the Slavs lived. For these reasons, we can develop the assumption that the Slavs once lived along the entire border of the Roman Empire and that they were rare and expensive slaves, big, strong and went into battle without protection, naked. Or short, Gauls go into Battle naked



